Reach our audience, support local arts and culture, & foster global community connections through socially conscious independent cinema from South Asia.
"My debut feature, Kacchey Limbu, arrived at Austin thanks to Indie Meme's Year End
Program. It was the first showing of the film in America, and I couldn't have asked for a better screening, audience, or reception for the film.
This experience was embellished further by Indie Meme's special connection with their audience. The festival doesn't just share the film, but also the context of its making. It was a most fulfilling experience as a filmmaker to present my film at the special venue that is the Austin Film Society Theatre.
Shubham Yogi
Filmmaker, Kacchey Limbu

What We Do And Why
Indie Meme brings meaningful, thought-provoking independent films from South Asia to our audience here in Texas. After each screening of these award-winning films that often have limited distribution in the US, we host lively discussions about thematic elements both in-person and online to build our community. We are unique in what we do and how we do it.
We believe in independent filmmakers and the stories only they can tell. We exist to amplify their voices, ensuring their work is provided a space and context where it can resonate far and wide. When possible, we team up with relevant community organizations and support them through fundraisers & awareness campaigns.
Your Investment And The Exposure For Your Brand
Become an Indie Meme Sponsor, support meaningful, socially relevant, award-winning independent cinema and help foster conversations that build global community connections. Your investment will highlight and expose your brand to a desirable demographic.
Our loyal fan following of the Indie Meme community grows with every screening, actively engaging with our partners and sponsors. In addition to putting your brand in front of our U.S audience via our film screenings, we garner a lot of interest from South Asia - India / Pakistan / Bangladesh / Nepal / Bhutan / Afghanistan / Sri Lanka – with site traffic covering a distinctive cross-section of society in India & abroad.​
For more information or to customize your sponsorship:
Please reach out to Denise Steusloff at Denise@indiememe.org!